Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fork in the Road

This week I continued my journey down a different path. I have wanted to lose weight for a couple of years, since I blew out both of my feet running too much. After the injury, I gained weight. Turning 40 didn't help, but those were both excuses for me to intend one thing (lose weight) but fail to direct myself down the path towards being healthier.

I intended to lose weight initially by substituting other, strenuous exercise for running. One thing I don't mind, and actually thrive on, is strenuous exercise. But if I am honest, part of the reason I ran for hours or swam long distances was so that I could eat more or eat whatever I want. The truth is, it is harder for me to lose weight while exercising heavily. I think the reason is simple. It makes me too hungry. Plus, I don't really love moderation. Not my style.

So in the past 2 weeks, my exercise has consisted only of 1) walking the dog, 2) moderate swimming and light weight lifting and 3) some easy yoga.

The path I need to be on, and am working towards, is healthier eating and portion control, and moving my body but not excessively.

I don't like that path. That path, excuse my language, sucks. I like to exercise a lot. I like to eat a lot. But neither will help me shed extra weight.

I write this because I need accountability. As we heard this weekend in the first message of Nativity's Drive Series, direction, not intention, determines destination.

My direction in the past has been play hard, eat hard. That doesn't help me get where I want to go. I have tried to force that square peg into a round hole for years now. Always the obstinate individualist, I will now try God's way.

So, get behind me, Satan (and Corona with lime, buttered popcorn, and Rita's Italian Ice).

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Kathleen. I need a path too. I'm so glad you posted this. My thoughts exactly - well almost. I don't like excessive exercise, but I do love Rita's
